Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Leg testing day no. 2

Cloudy day

Off to the woods.

Harrow Weald Common and Bentley Priory Open Space to be exact, about 4 miles. The route was a shortened version of the Bentley Priory circular walk. The views weren't much as it was quite hazy.

500 year old oak
The leg was a lot better. I think there's hope.

Lots of people and their dogs about.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Leg testing day

Last Sunday I walked over Harrow Hill to test my leg.

Four weeks ago I pulled some back muscles, which pressed against the sciatic nerve. This in turn produced some had terrible muscle spasms in my leg so strong they damaged the muscles.

I found the leg pretty weak - quite worrying actually. I see I've some work to do before the Coast to coast next year.

Nice walk though..

Saturday, 18 October 2014